Deep Dives
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ERC-6123: Rethinking Financial Derivatives is a deep dive into the ERC-6123, an open-source standard for creating and managing derivative contracts on Ethereum and EVM-compatible networks. By leveraging ERC-6123, market participants can benefit from a more streamlined, secure, and efficient approach to derivatives management, addressing many of the challenges present in traditional OTC markets.
Participants that have contributed their expertise and insights include contributors from DZ Bank, Tokenovate, the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, Hacken, Kaleido.
ERC-6123: Rethinking Financial Derivatives
Ethereum Staking Rate Benchmarks is a primer on the emerging space of standardized measures for Ethereum staking rewards and related financial instruments such as Ethereum staking rate dated futures and swaps.
Participants that have contributed their expertise and insights include contributors from Pier Two, Treehouse Labs, Kaleido and others.
Primer: Ethereum Staking Rate Benchmarks
Demystifying ERC-3643 is a deep dive into the ERC-3643 token standard for tokenizing real-world assets (RWAs) such as securities, commodities, real estate, etc. in a compliant and regulated manner on Ethereum and EVM-compatible networks.
This paper, produced in collaboration with members of the ERC-3643 Association such as Tokeny, Mayer Brown, Oasis Pro, features the ERC-3643 technical breakdown, adoption and ongoing developments, insights, and case studies from industry experts, clarifying the mechanics, challenges, and opportunities of the ERC-3643 standard.
ERC-3643: Compliant RWA Tokenization
stETH-based Swaps using ERC-6123: now, later or never? is a thorough analysis of the risks and opportunities associated with stETH-based Ethereum Staking Rate Swaps and explore the potential of ERC-6123 smart derivatives within the Lido ecosystem.
This research paper assesses the demand, benefits and risks of an Ethereum staking rate swap product within the Lido ecosystem and with the following characteristics: 1) using Lido stETH APR as a benchmark rate 2) using stETH as collateral and settlement asset 3) managed as a smart derivative contract (SDC) using ERC-6123.
stETH-based Swaps: now, later or never?
ERC-1400: Enabling Secture and Compliant Digital Securities is a deep dive into the ERC-1400 token standard for tokenizing real-world assets (RWAs) financial instruments such as equity, private credit, treasuries, real estate funds, etc. in a compliant and regulated manner on Ethereum and EVM-compatible networks.
Produced in collaboration with industry experts such as Talium, DigiShares, Hacken, Kaleido and RWA World, features insights and case studies from industry experts, clarifying the mechanics, challenges, and opportunities of the ERC-1400 standard.
ERC-1400: Secure & Compliant Digital Securities
DeFi Risks
QX DeFi Risks Compass is an open-source project aimed at providing a comprehensive understanding of the risks associated with Decentralized Finance (DeFi). The project's primary goal is to create accessible and informative resources about DeFi risks and protocol due diligence that serve as a guide for stakeholders - including regulators, market participants, and other stakeholders in the DeFi ecosystem.

QX Explore - Polymesh is an accessible open-source resource providing a starter guide to understand and analyze data from the Polymesh network. This resource is useful for those interested in learning about the Polymesh network through data analysis.
With 23 detailed metrics covering Assets, Liquidity, Identities, and Settlements, we provide comprehensive insights into network usage without assuming prior Polymesh experience.